While loop In javascript Explained by Krishna Pathak

While loop In javascript Explained by Krishna Pathak

When you're writing JavaScript code, you'll often come across situations where you need to do something repeatedly. That's where loops come in handy, and one of the most basic types is the while loop.

A while loop is like a little worker that keeps doing a job as long as a certain condition is true. Here's the basic structure:

while (condition) {
    // Code to be done
  1. Condition: It's like a yes-or-no question that the loop asks before every job. If the answer is "yes" (or true), the job gets done. If it's "no" (or false), the loop stops.

  2. Job: This is the actual task you want to repeat. It goes inside the curly braces.

Let's say we want to count from 1 to 5. We can use a while loop like this:

let count = 1;

while (count <= 5) {

Here, we start with count at 1. The loop asks, "Is count less than or equal to 5?" If the answer is yes, it prints the current value of count and adds 1 to it. This keeps going until count is no longer less than or equal to 5.

One thing to be careful about is getting stuck in a never-ending loop. This can happen if the condition always stays true. To prevent this, make sure the condition will eventually become false.

while loops are great when you're not sure how many times you'll need to do something. For instance, when you're waiting for specific user input.

The while loop is like your own little assistant in JavaScript. It helps you do things over and over again without writing the same code again and again. Just remember to set up the conditions right, so you don't end up with an endless to-do list!